It’s only taken me a decade to make another js13k game but I managed to get one submitted to the 2023 js13k competition! You can play my entry here: . If you do checkout the Github repo please bear in mind there’s a lot of very last minute code in there, so don’t judge me for it. I’m well aware of all the bad code myself. I entered the 2nd ever competition back in 2013...
RGB Langton’s Ant(s)
A quick prototype of a modified Langton's Ant simulation with multiple ants that can blend colours. It was originally written as an attempted entry for ProcJam in 2021
Tick Tock It’s Funan O’Clock!
I used to walk past the Funan mall almost nightly. The kinetic wall art clock outside it is really cool. I took some inspiration from it while adding my own twist: spatial audio with the Web Audio API.