
It’s that time again…JS13kgames 2024

Update September I did not get to submit an entry this year, got hit with a wonderful bout of Crohn’s fatigue and just wasn’t able to dedicate enough time to it. The idea that I had settled on was running a struggling print newspaper in the run up to an election. The player controlled the stories the newspaper would print with the aim of trying to influence the election, increasing...

JS13k2023 “13th Century”

It’s only taken me a decade to make another js13k game but I managed to get one submitted to the 2023 js13k competition! You can play my entry here: . If you do checkout the Github repo please bear in mind there’s a lot of very last minute code in there, so don’t judge me for it. I’m well aware of all the bad code myself. I entered the 2nd ever competition back in 2013...

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