
Below are a list of projects I have worked on or am currently working on (whenever I get some free time!). If you want to get in touch about any of them, please use the Contact Form.

Social Robotics

This is an ongoing personal project. The inspiration came from my interest in social robotics, personal learning and first hand experience of managing a chronic illness through to remission.

What is a “Social Robot”?

“PillBot” – Using a social robot to help me manage my Crohn’s Disease on a daily basis by providing medication reminders, tracking prescription amounts and updating a shared calendar to notify family I’ve taken my medication.

PillBot Appointment Reminder – additional functionality to remind me of, and help me prepare for, doctor and hospital appointments.

Shall We Play A Game? – playing multiple choice question games with a Social Robot using content generated from my own medical treatment for Crohn’s Disease using Custom Object Markers.

Post Appointment – Making use of facial recognition functionality to provide a “Welcome Home”, a little moral support and a “nudge” to keep my calendar and my prescriptions updated.

What is “Medication Adherence”? – I didn’t know what it was when I first started this social robotics project last year. It is a vast topic with significant implications and few solutions despite four decades and counting of research.

I did a podcast!” – I was a guest on Episode 132 “AI For Good” of the Cynical Developer podcast talking about these projects and Crohn’s Disease.

“Animation, Personality and Social Robots” – Top character artists and animators have worked with various social robotics companies. I was intrigued to know more about what the field of animation and character design might have to offer social robotics.

Activity Reminders to help with fatigue” – for World IBD Day 2022. I re-structured most of the existing code, integrated activity and exercise tracking information and created new animated prompts for reminders to exercise or encouragement to keep exercising.

Web Based

The Horde! The Horde! The Horde!” – My entry for the 2023 competition. The theme was “13th Century”.

Tick Tock It’s Funan O’Clock!” – Inspired by the Funan Mall Clock I created a web based version using the Canvas API and added some spatialised audio with the Web Audio API.

RGB Langton’s Ant(s)” – a quick prototyped idea modifying Langton’s Ant to include multiple ants that possess a Red, Green or Blue colour. The ants blend colours in the squares instead of flipping them between white and black as they move around.

Computer Vision

Medication Classification with fastai Part 1 – using transfer learning and the fastai framework to train a model that can recognize my prescription medication from photos taken with my laptop’s webcam and my phone’s front-facing camera.

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